A Thang

Sometimes Nine was one of my old bands. This music video is for the song “A Thang”.

The song was mainly John’s idea but overall, still a collaboration. The lyrics were written by me. It’s called “A Thang” because it’s in the key of A and for a while, it had no name. We’d end up saying “Let’s play that A thing”. Goofy but true.


A Thang

Memory soothe my mind
With with endearments of a time
A terrain, cool and kind
Where we walked, unafraid

It’s hard to find a place
To keep your memory
I came to the crest of forever
The edge of the wheel, far gone

In search of things that I held in my hand
A palace of grandeur, it stands in a land
A far off way from here, a man with
Cool, candied celebrations… celebrations

Still on pause, no more
Now, lambent angels, by the score
No wounds beyond recall
And joy adorns my eyes

© 2021 Kevin Trent Boswell

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