
stiff upper lip,
thick-skinned baller,
rolling with the punches,
and all that other
factitious bullshit

the bliss of liar’s cup
is but a cup of blissful lies

dreams of
copious other things,
receding like melting wax,
into the past
fading away,
leaving behind the sweet perfume
of burning plastic and ammonia


fissures in consciousness,
blessings of intermittent sleep

control panel fuses
all crisp, and awry of order

all correspondence
resides now in dwellings
other than original

settle for
smaller and smaller

easter egg fractals
of memory

“didn’t there used to be
something that went right here?
didn’t something or someone
occupy this space?”

now, quiet dogs
bed down in the
cold, wet trenches

stale toast and seagull meat
empty ammo box for one
in the center of the house

unseen earthworms,
misunderstood by
all the happy eagles
and fish

whole continents fall,
and yet, not an inch
of ground is gained

roll off the edge of the map,
and onto the floor,
to lie in the dust,
with all the broken grease pencils,
and first draft plans of attack,
torn angrily into ribbons,
and bursting into flame

siphon off
the last sour dregs
of wedding wine

no guest sits at the table
to taste it

it is useful now,
only as vinegar
for cleaning the stains
left behind
by revelers
who dwell in the
realm of the living

wines and cakes
are wasted
on the forgotten dead

celebration farce,
ersatz holy words
of hollow power

the gut pinches up
and knots
at the thought
of each new

©2023 Kevin Trent Boswell